Euthanasia and Memorial Services

Compassionate end-of-life care for cats and dogs.

Saying goodbye to your pet is extremely difficult. We understand the pain. Our team said goodbye to our clinic cat, Winter, in 2016. He was surrounded by people he loved as our veterinarian Dr. Sam, helped him say goodbye. As pets age, they fall ill and diseases often reduce their ability to enjoy life. It is in these stages that most pet parents have to make the toughest decision - choosing to euthanize their pet. We can guide you and support you through the decision and the procedure. For more information about our euthanasia services, feel free to call us at 416-538-8387.

How do I know if it is time to say goodbye to my pet?

When medicines can no longer help your pet, our veterinarian will discuss the options with you. If no other procedures can help your pet, the veterinarian will recommend euthanasia as the last option. When you notice changes in your pet's behaviour, like not eating or complete immobility in limbs, it can be a sign that it is time. If your pet is in constant pain and medications are no longer helping, euthanasia may be recommended.

Can I stay with my pet during the procedure?

Yes. You can choose to stay with your pet as a veterinarian conducts the procedure in the clinic.

What happens when euthanasia medication is injected?

Euthanasia is a painless procedure. You can rest assured that your pet will not feel any pain when the euthanasia medicine is administered. The medicine is injected intravenously, and the medicine takes effect immediately. Your pet falls into a deep sleep instantly.

Practice information

Roncy Village Veterinary Clinic

  • Mon
    8:00am – 7:00pm
  • Tue
    8:00am – 7:00pm
  • Wed
    8:00am – 1:00pm & 3:00pm – 7:00pm
  • Thu
    8:00am – 7:00pm
  • Fri
    8:00am – 7:00pm
  • Sat
    8:00am – 2:00pm
  • Sun
    Closed (Sundays & Holidays)

After-Hours Emergencies

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Find us here:

215 Roncesvalles Avenue Toronto, Ontario M6R 2L6
get directions with Google Maps

For after-hours emergencies, please call:
