
An important diagnostic tool to diagnose and treat illnesses in cats and dogs.

Bloodwork is one of the most accurate diagnostic tools in a veterinarian's toolkit. These little samples of blood can reveal crucial truths about your pet's internal health not visible to the naked eye. This is why bloodwork is a routine procedure, as it can accurately detect diseases and help veterinarians suggest the next course of treatment for pets. We work in collaboration with external labs to run bloodwork tests for us. For more information about our bloodwork services, feel free to call us at 416-538-8387.

How often should my pet have bloodwork done?

We recommend at least one blood test every year as a way to ensure your pet is healthy and happy. If your pet is undergoing treatment for a known disease, our veterinarians would suggest more than one blood test each year to see how the treatment is going and make any adjustments.

How do I prepare my pet for blood testing?

Most blood tests will require your pet to fast for about 6-8 hours. We suggest you avoid giving food to your pet before the blood test. Some tests might have more specific pre-test demands that your veterinarian will discuss with you before the appointment.

How are blood tests performed?

A veterinarian will use a syringe to draw a small amount of blood to test. The blood is mostly drawn from a vein in the neck or arm of your pet. Because the process is so quick and painless, no sedative or anesthesia is required to conduct the test.

Practice information

Roncy Village Veterinary Clinic

  • Mon
    8:00am – 7:00pm
  • Tue
    8:00am – 7:00pm
  • Wed
    8:00am – 1:00pm & 3:00pm – 7:00pm
  • Thu
    8:00am – 7:00pm
  • Fri
    8:00am – 7:00pm
  • Sat
    8:00am – 2:00pm
  • Sun
    Closed (Sundays & Holidays)

After-Hours Emergencies

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Find us here:

215 Roncesvalles Avenue Toronto, Ontario M6R 2L6
get directions with Google Maps

For after-hours emergencies, please call:
